Pike County nonprofits receive $430,000 from Nonprofit Recovery Fund
Milford. Each nonprofit received up to $25,000 for pandemic related losses.

MILFORD, PA ― The Pike County Commissioners, along with the Office of Human Services, recently awarded Nonprofit Recovery Fund grants totaling $429,812.69 to 23 local organizations that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grant program was made possible by American Recovery Act funding and was open to nonprofit organizations headquartered in Pike County legally recognized as a nonprofit organization by the Internal Revenue Service. The grants of up to $25,000 each must be used for operation expenses, capital improvements, or fundraising activities.
Applications were reviewed by a committee consisting of the Pike County Commissioners, staff of the Office of Human Services, and the consulting firm Hailstone Economic. Applications were scored according to the following qualifications: community and organizational need, benefit to the community, leveraged funds, and organizational capacity and sustainability.
Pike County Commissioner Chairman Matthew M. Osterberg said, “When we established this program, we had committed to awarding $150,000 to local nonprofits. After reviewing applications and seeing how hard these organizations were hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, we knew that we needed to help support as many nonprofits as possible. I am pleased to announce that we have exceeded the original allocation and are providing more than $429,000 to 23 organizations.”
Grant recipients are:
Bushkill Outreach Program - $25,000
Bushkill Outreach, with the support of the Lehman Township Board of Supervisors, is planning the construction of a new distribution facility and the purchase of new equipment to better assist clients in need. This facility will also house a senior/community center and serve as a heating/cooling station during disasters.
Center for Developmental Disabilities - $25,000
The Center for Developmental Disabilities plans to use funds as a revenue replacement due to the loss of projected funds in 2020 and 2021 caused by the cancellation of its annual fundraisers, Annual Golf Outing, and Chefs Do Dinner. The funds will be used to cover the cost of building maintenance, staff benefits, and to replenish program supplies.
Family Promise of Monroe County - $25,000
Family Promise of Monroe County will use the funds on capital improvements to the facility it is under contract to purchase. These funds will help supplement the cost of many projects including a new septic, roof, soffits, floors, walls and ceilings. The building also needs updated electrical and plumbing systems. Repairs to exterior bricks, the addition of two kitchens and renovations to showers are also among projects to be completed with the funding.
GAIT TRC - $25,000
GAIT will use funding to provide staff development and education for employees to stay current with the required certification to work with trained therapy horses and individuals with various disabilities, and to learn the newest therapy techniques, and CPR.
Green Trees Early Learning Center - $25,000
Green Trees will use its funds to support current staff retention, as well as to secure a qualified teacher to re-open its part day Pre-Kindergarten class. Prior to COVID-19, Green Trees was receiving funding through the Keystone Stars grant. However, the program was eliminated during the pandemic. Funds provided through the Pike County Nonprofit Grant Fund will supplement this loss of funding.
Growing Lackawaxen - $15,247.05
Growing Lackawaxen intends on using its funding allocation towards the purchase of a complete movie package to allow the organization to provide movie services to township residents.
Human Resources Center - $25,000
The Human Resources Center will use the funds to purchase a generator to be installed at HRC’s Pike County location.
Kindred Spirits - $10,000
Kindred Spirits will use the funds to support a portion of the 2022 and 2023 seasons as it begins to resume pre-pandemic operations. Its 2022 season currently includes 4 outdoor concerts at Grey Towers. The organization also intends to collaborate with other local organizations to hold indoor events starting in either the fall of 2022 or spring of 2023, while continuing to bring performers to the outdoor venues and for DVSD master classes.
Lackawaxen EMS - $25,000
Lackawaxen EMS intends to use its allotted funds to purchase a new 2022 ambulance to replace its current 2011 ambulance.
Milford Fire Department - $25,000
Milford Fire Department will use its funds to replace SCBA packs in order to make its time spent on scene safe for both its firefighters and the community it serves.
Pike Autism Support Services - $17,500
Pike Autism Support Services will use its funding on its programs including the “ICARE” program, which provides numerous benefits to the Pike special needs community. As well as the New -l Care About Music program that works with the Special Education, Music & Speech & Language Departments of the Delaware Valley School District to provide instruments to students with an intellectual disability.
Pike County Developmental Center - $4,065.64
The Pike County Developmental Center will divide its funding allocation between facility improvements and expanding the programs it offers.
Pike County Historical Society - $25,000
The Pike County Historical Society will used funds to compensate for monies lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to funding new endeavors, such as programs and exhibits to highlight and promote the detailed history of Pike County.
Pike County Public Library - $25,000
The funding received through the Nonprofit Grant Fund will help the PCPL to reach the matching requirement of the Keystone Grant the library was awarded earlier this year to complete the lower level of the Milford branch. The lower level will be a new 3,000 square foot children’s area and will include a children’s theatre and two private study rooms. There will also be expanded shelving, seating areas, and computers for check out or in-house use.
Pocono Environmental Education Center - $25,000
PEEC will utilize the grant award to help mitigate losses directly related to the COVID crisis. Funding will go directly to the general operating budget for PEEC.
Victims’ Intervention Program - $25,000
Victims’ Intervention Program will use funds to support its services and operations that are normally funded through community fundraisers that were unable to occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Westfall Township Fire Department - $25,000
Westfall Township Fire Department will use its funding to renovate the facility to accommodate overnight shifts and install shower facilities for decontamination. Additional funds will be used towards recruitment and retention programs.
American Legion Post 514 - $25,000
The American Legion Post 514 will use the grant award on facility maintenance including the installation/renovation of the chlorination system, the replacement of copper pipe, the renovation of restrooms, the installation of new baseboard heaters in hall, and replace 40-year-old floors. Outdoor projects will also include roof repair and deck maintenance.
Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County - $10,000
The Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County will use funds to repair the roof of the historic Pike County Courthouse that is now home to the Milford Borough offices and the Milford Borough Police Department. The Trust had previously committed to replacing the historic cupola that sits on its mansard roof. A preliminary inspection revealed that the roof was in such disrepair that it needed to be replaced prior to repairing the cupola. The Nonprofit Recovery Grant fund award will fund the repair allowing the Trust to fulfill its commitment to replace the cupola.
Marine Corps League - $5,000
The Marine Corps League will use grant funds towards veterans’ organizations for various necessities, as well as the Toys for Tots program. The award will assist with meeting their urgent needs of necessities by creating care packages for the active military personnel who are in need of basic toiletries, undergarments, and personal care items.
Milford Music Festival- $3,000
Milford Presents will use its funding to promote its various events that bring hundreds of visitors Milford. Specifically, the grant award will be used on its Girls Night Out events and the Toast to Milford.
Pike County Humane Society- $10,000
Pike County Humane Society will use the funds to run its shelter’s daily operations and care for the neglected, abused and abandoned animals. The shelter will also resume it clinic and resume adoptions, once the animals are medically clearance and current on vaccinations from a Vet.
Saint Patrick Parish- $5,000
Saint Patrick Parish will use the Nonprofit Recovery Grant fund as seed money for additional fundraising activities, which will enable it to continue to renovate its hall and provide additional support to our local non-profits and larger community. The hall is open for use to the entire community and serves as a location for non-profit and municipal events. It is also home to the new bingo program which intends to re-introduce weekly bingo nights in the community.