Pike County plans Veterans Day commemoration
Milford. Michael Sullivan, a Vietnam veteran and director of the Pike County Economic Development Authority, will be the featured speaker.

The Tri-State Chapter 623 of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) has announced plans for the November 11 Veterans Day Commemoration, which this year falls on a Wednesday.
This year’s featured speaker is Michael Sullivan, who served in Vietnam as a helicopter door gunner. Sullivan is the director of the Pike County Economic Development Authority.
“Veterans Day is an important and solemn remembrance of those who have sacrificed for our freedom,” said John Kupillas, the VVA chapter’s president and chaplain. “It also is an opportunity for our community to show unity at a time when that is more important than ever.”
The ceremony will honor all members, past and present, of the U.S. Armed Forces. The public is encouraged to attend. All are requested to wear masks and observe distancing and safety protocols.
The commemoration will be held at the Pike County Soldiers & Sailors Monument, in Kiehl Park, at the corner of Broad and High Streets in Milford. Assembly will begin at 10:30 a.m. and the 30-minute ceremony will commence at 11 a.m.
Responsibility for organizing the annual commemorations for Memorial Day, 9/11, Veterans Day and Pearl Harbor Day are alternated annually between the Tri-State Chapter 623 VVA, the American Legion Marsh Kellogg Post 139, Veterans of Foreign Wars 8612 and Marine Corps League Gun Ho Detachment 909.
For further information, call Linda Kozak, VVA Chapter 623 Acting Secretary, at 845-313-2508, or email her at kozy78@optimum.net.