Plan to manage eagles ready for review

| 24 Feb 2015 | 05:27

— A conservation plan to manage New York's population of the bald eagle is now available for public review and comment, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens announced on Feb. 24.

"The Conservation Plan for Bald Eagles in New York State" describes the historic and current status of the bald eagle in the state and provides guidelines for future management actions.

"New York State was instrumental in the restoration and recovery of the bald eagle in the northeast United States and continues to play an important role in providing suitable habitat for our nation's symbol," Martens said. "Since the bald eagle depends primarily on freshwater rivers, lakes and streams for its food, a flourishing eagle population is a good indicator of New York's high quality water ways. Conservation of the bald eagle and its habitat plays an important role in preserving our biodiversity and ecosystem health. The plan aims to maintain the bald eagle's geographic diversity and ultimately ensure a healthy population within the state."

The bald eagle, currently listed as a threatened species in New York, continues to make a remarkable recovery across the state. The conservation plan serves as a guide for landowners, resource managers, local government agencies and other stakeholders to manage and perpetuate the bald eagle and its habitat in New York. This plan is also intended to inform the public of actions recommended to achieve the goal of a continued healthy bald eagle population, including its essential habitat and the ecosystems it depends upon.

The plan may be downloaded directly from Bald Eagle Program Page. The DEC will accept comments on the draft plan until Friday, April 10.

Comments or questions should be addressed by email to (note "bald eagle" in the subject line), or by phone to Dan Rosenblatt at 518-402-8884. Comments can also be mailed to DEC's Wildlife Diversity Unit, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4754.