Quarry approved for another ten years

| 09 Apr 2015 | 02:23

By Anya Tikka
— Dingman supervisors renewed a conditional use permit that will allow Springbrook Enterprises' quarry to continue operating for another 10 years.

The applicants, brothers Keith and Roger Mitschele Jr., came before the supervisors to present their case. No other members of the community attended the public hearing about their extension request.

Keith, the president of Springbrook Enterprises, said he was happy with the board’s decision.

In a letter, Planning Board Commission Chair Walter Myer recommended that supervisors grant the 10-year extension.

Board Solicitor John Klemeyer read the technical review submitted by the town engineer, who also recommended the extension, along with the conditions the Mitscheles must meet to keep the permit. For one thing, they must keep current the license for large non-coal mine operators issued annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Conservation. And they must provide the township with a copy of the current license.

The Mitscheles are now operating under a license that expires June 2015, and the board has been provided with a copy.

The town’s Roadmaster must also keep the supervisors updated on the status of Springbrook Road, in order to ascertain whether any changes are necessary, and if reimbursement issues arise.

The applicants also had to sign a note added to the site plan that said it stays the same. The plan dates from 2005. They also stated that the Rehabilitation Plan stays the same.

Copies of the draft road impact statement were passed around.

“It’s just exactly the same as the previous one, so it’s basically moving ahead 10 years,” said Supervisor Dennis Brink.

The applicants are charged 10 cents per ton when material is moved from the site. Klemeyer explained that the actual operation method has changed.

“Springbrook is stockpiling material at its site in Blooming Grove," Klemyer said. "Rather than having individual contractors going to the site, they’re going to Blooming Grove to get the materials. So rather than the township being paid every time the material is moved from Springbrook site, the township is paid when it’s sold off of Blooming Grove site.”

The applicants confirmed the statements were true.

In other business, the Cornelia and Florence Bridge Preserve Site change order was approved on two of the raised requests: additional concrete for pavilion footers, and raingarden excavation. The third requested change, to order larger columns due to the size and location of pavilion base plate, was not granted.