Residents launch Milford Covid Relief Fund
Milford. Donations are welcome. The fund will support nonprofits working to meet the new and urgent needs that have affected Milford’s residents and business owners, and those who work in Milford.

The Milford Covid Relief Fund has been created to aid nonprofit service providers and organizations struggling with the health and economic effects of the coronavirus.
The fund will support nonprofits working to meet the new and urgent needs that have affected Milford’s residents and business owners, and those who work in Milford.
It was launched by a group of Milford residents, including Milford Borough Councilmembers Frank Tarquinio, Joseph Dooley and Luke Turano, former Councilmember Annette Haar, Doug Manion, M.D., an infectious disease specialist, and Milford Mayor Sean Strub.
“We know the food pantries and other agencies providing human services are already facing increased demand,” said Frank Tarquinio, who also serves as the President of the Milford Borough Council. "Many businesses are uncertain whether they will be able to reopen, let alone when."
Luke Turano, also a member of the borough council, said, “Our community is caring and generous. The Milford Covid Relief Fund will provide a way for people to provide support and know it will help others in their community."
As of April 1, there were 51 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Pike County and one death.
Jenni Hamill is executive director of Greater Pike Community Foundation. She said the COVID-19 pandemic is "having a profound effect on all our lives. We welcome efforts like the Milford Covid Relief Fund to help as they can.”
Tax-deductible donations can be made payable to “GPCF-MCRF” and sent to Greater Pike Community Foundation, P.O. Box 992, Milford, PA 18337.
Since its founding in 2012, Greater Pike Community Foundation has become an important philanthropic leader in Pike County. Greater Pike was created to enable generous individuals, families and local businesses to maximize their charitable support through organized, targeted community philanthropy. For more information visit
“We know the food pantries and other agencies providing human services are already facing increased demand. Many businesses are uncertain whether they will be able to reopen, let alone when." --Frank Tarquinio