Sewer project, computer upgrades, and more discussed at supervisors’ meeting

Milford. The supervisors also passed a request for a conditional use application for 139 Route 6.

| 05 Jun 2024 | 02:07

A handful of items were discussed at the June 3 Milford Township supervisors’ meeting.

The supervisors discussed the proposed Sewage Act 537 Plan, which includes Milford and other townships in an effort to build new sewer service. The Milford supervisors were concerned they were being asked to pay more than their fair share for the service — one quarter of the total project cost — considering Milford is being mainly used as a pass-through for the project and won’t reap its benefits.

Following a public hearing, the supervisors passed a request for a conditional use application for 139 Route 6. The applicant is opening an equipment rental business on the former residential lot. The applicant still needs to get a building permit changing his status for a less than one-acre parcel of the property to be converted from residential to non-residential occupancy. He will still have a residence on another part of the property.

Another discussion point was computer and email upgrades for town employees and supervisors. Right now some employees are using Microsoft 2007. There was some debate about using Gmail, because it is free, but it was decided it does not offer a private server so it is not ideal. The supervisors decided to get all the bells and whistles and go with new computers that run Windows 2021.

The supervisors voted to sign an agreement to participate in the Grey Towers National Historic Site program. They also agreed that staff members that show up to cancelled meetings should get two hours work time just for showing up when asked.

As for the June 13 planning commission workshop meeting that was scheduled to meet with the Milford water authority, the supervisors proposed moving it to June 25 at the regular planning board meeting and seeing if they can get everyone on board with that.

Several other items initially on the agenda were moved to the next meeting.