State delays power company’s rate increase
Milford. The average residential PCL&P gas customer was expected to see a 44% increase in their monthly bills.

Due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday the Milford Township Supervisors’ meeting was held on Tuesday, January 21. During the meeting, notice was given during the secretary’s report that Pike County Light and Power Company had submitted a request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) for a rate increase. However, a few days later, PUC announced that it had voted to suspend and investigate the proposed rate increase.
According to PUC, the power company had proposed increasing its annual operating revenues for natural gas distribution service by about $905,900 (35.8%), which would mean the average bill for a residential customer using 80 Ccf per month would increase from $135.78 to $196.08 per month (44.4%). (One Ccf equals 100 cubic feet of gas.)
“The rate increase request is suspended and will be assigned to the Office of Administrative Law Judge for evidentiary hearings and the issuance of recommended decisions or settlements. More information on the ratemaking process is available on the Commission’s website. A final PUC decision is due by October 15, 2025,” PUC said in its announcement.
New appointments
It was announced that Andrew Bellwoar resigned from his position as solicitor for the Zoning Hearing Board. He was appointed as the alternate solicitor for the Planning Commission. The discussion of his replacement will be on the agenda for the next supervisors’ meeting. Mike Repecki was appointed to the zoning hearing board. The position of zoning officer will also be discussed at the next meeting.
Spongy moths
The Supervisors will be looking into the spongy moth spraying program. They will be seeking clarification on how the reimbursements will work for individuals with less than 25 acres and who are not members of a homeowners’ association.
Other business
January is National Radon Action Month, with the final week deemed Radon Awareness Week by the CDC. Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that can be found in some homes at dangerous levels. According to the EPA, “Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among non-smokers.” Supervisor Rachel Hendricks mentioned that residents should test for radon often and that she would locate information on radon to be posted to the Township website.
Hendricks will be attending the 2025 Educational Conference and Exhibit Show for the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS). The organization describes itself as “committed to preserving and strengthening township government by lobbying state and federal lawmakers and educating and informing its members.” The conference will be held in May in Hershey.