Student Safety First candidates emphasize science-backed Covid precautions
Milford. E.K. Guyre and John Johnson, who are running for the Delaware Valley school board, welcomed to their slate write-in candidate Meg Rosenfeld, who is homeschooling her two youngest children because of what she says are the unsafe conditions at the schools.

E.K. Guyre and John Johnson, Democratic nominees for the Delaware Valley school board, announced the creation of the Student Safety First slate, joining with new write-in candidate, Meg Rosenfeld.
Their main focus is protecting the school community through science-backed Covid precautions.
“In a time of anti-science rhetoric, and a school board that prioritizes politics and votes over the health and well-being of the community, the Student Safety First candidate slate is committing to keeping our amazing public schools open safely – by making decisions guided by the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the scientists and educators in our community,” they said in a joint statement.
Guyre and Johnson won the Democratic primary. Rosenfeld will be encouraging people to write in her name on election day, Nov. 2.
At a recent obstreperous DV school board meeting, people objecting to students wearing masks in school successfully shouted down a proposal that they be worn for the first two weeks of classes because of the highly contagious Delta variant causing cases to spike locally. Before classes started, however, the governor mandated that all people must wear masks when inside schools buildings throughout the state. On Sept. 9, the day of a DV school board work session, anti-maskers kept up the fight with a protest near the high school. School board member Jack O’Leary resigned that evening, less than two years into his four-year term, without explaining why (see related story on page 2).
Rosenfeld has a background in early childhood education and administration. A parent of four children attending school in the district, she is currently homeschooling her two youngest children, who are not yet eligible for the vaccine, because of what she says are the unsafe conditions at the schools – “conditions created by the current DVSD board.”
“She believes that compassion, ethics, and critical thinking are fundamental to policy development,” said the slate’s announcement. “Meg’s commitment in justice and advocacy led her to become a certified Pennsylvania Victims Advocate and paralegal, where she relentlessly advocates for our most vulnerable communities.”
Johnson holds a master’s degree in psychology and is board-certified and licensed behavior analyst with a specialty in autism spectrum disorders. A resident of Pike County since 2005, he moved back to the area to help support his parents, the owners of popular eatery, Ray -N- Charles. Currently employed at The Center for Discovery, he also runs a private local practice. Johnson has three children in elementary, middle, and high school in the district. He is endorsed by Delaware Valley Action! and local Democratic clubs.
E.K. Guyre graduated from East Stroudsburg University with a bachelor of science in social work. She is a community volunteer, lending her time to Delaware Valley Action!, the Delaware Township Democratic Committee, and the Pike County Democratic Committee, which have all have endorsed her candidacy.
“All three candidates look forward to running a strong race, and encouraging turnout among our community, as they seek to change the face of the board – bringing ethics, transparency and the well-being of our community to the DVSD board,” their joint statement said.
There are several incumbents on the board whose terms end at the end of December — Jessica Decker, Vice-President of the board; Pam Lutfy; Felicia Sheehan; and Rosemary Walsh — with the additional position left open by O’Leary’s resignation.
For more information about Student Safety First, email Erica Manney, the campaign committee chair, at or visit
“In a time of anti-science rhetoric, and a school board that prioritizes politics and votes over the health and well-being of the community, the Student Safety First candidate slate is committing to keeping our amazing public schools open safely.” Student Safety First