Time to apply for pre-K scholarships
Milford. A $10,000 donation from Highmark Life Insurance Company will provide full or partial tuition for local children attending summer or school-year programs at the Center for Developmental Disabilities (CDD) or Green Trees Early Learning Center.

The Greater Pike Community Foundation is offering pre-K scholarships again this year, thanks to a $10,000 donation from Highmark Life Insurance Company, made possible through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit program.
Pre-K scholarships for 2021 will provide full or partial tuition for local children attending summer or school-year programs at the Center for Developmental Disabilities (CDD), or Green Trees Early Learning Center in Pike County.
Jenni Hamill, Greater Pike executive director, noted the added impact of these scholarships since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. “For families suffering from wage and job losses, this is needed relief,” she said. “The scholarship money will help families return to their jobs or continue working remotely without worrying about child care.”
Kathleen McKenzie, vice president of community affairs for Highmark said, “Highmark Insurance Group, a Highmark company, recognizes that now more than ever we must leverage our resources to ensure children and their families have access to quality education and specialized resources that their unique circumstances require. As we continue to heal and adjust from the effects of COVID-19, Highmark companies are committed to supporting education, health and wellness, in all of their communities.”
Applicants must reside in Pennsylvania and have children between the ages of three and six attending an approved Pre-K program. Household income must be less than $92,160 annually, plus $16,222 for each dependent child in the same household. Applications are available at participating schools, on Greater Pike Community Foundation’s website at greaterpike.org; (click on “Grants” and drop down to “Pre-K”) or by emailing Gail Shuttleworth, Scholarship Chair at scholarships@greaterpike.org. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
For more information, contact Hamill at jennihamill@greaterpike.org or 570-832-4686.