Milford to reclaim north Broad Street
MILFORD - Broad Street is not the “three-lane”, it’s the borough and don’t forget it. For years, the northern end of Broad Street has been a transition area between Milford’s streets and the three-lane U.S. Routes 6/209 in Milford Township. There are no sidewalks or on-street parking for a borough attraction like the stately Columns Museum. But if Milford Enhancement Committee plans come to fruition, the borough will reclaim the northern end of Broad Street this year, Maryanne Monte said. Seeking an endorsment from the Borough Planning Commission, Monte laid out the plan to reduce the street width, add sidewalks, curbs and landscaping, for close to 200 feet, between George Street and Cherry Lane. The planners were unanimous in their support. “It’s been a left-out part of town,” said commission member Liz Samuelson. Monte said the change would further remind southbound motorists of the borough’s reduced speed limit. “It’s a clear message that it’s not a “three-lane” and they need to slow down,” she said. In addition to creating a safer condition for pedestrians, the change would also create from 12 to 18 new curbside parking spaces, Monte said. The $141,000 plan will go to PennDOT, hopefully to be combined with already scheduled paving for the three-lane. Monte also announced a Feb. 27 spring workshop for the Milford Enhancement Committee, to be held at Grey Towers from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. “We want people to come and bring us their concepts,” she said. The group will ask a $10 donation to cover the cost of a provided luncheon.