No sliding townhouses please

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:36

MILFORD - Neighbors along Sixth Street came before the borough planning commission Monday to learn whether a townhouse project would be allowed in their neighborhood. An attorney for the owners of the eight-lot parcel has asked the borough to consider a zoning change to allow a multi-family townhouse project of up to eight units. Neighbors, who complained last summer when unauthorized land clearing began on the steeply graded Foster Hill Road parcel, said the land is inappropriate for housing. In response, the borough council last year toughened stormwater and lot clearing provisions in local zoning. The neighbors said the borough already has provisions for multi-family housing and no shortages. Resident Robert Kyle asked why the borough was considering the issue at all because no formal applications have been made. Borough council president Matthew Osterberg, who was in attendance, said borough solicitor John Klemeyer recommended the review. Planning commission chair Ed Raarup said the panel would need to see engineering and other planning work before considering any action.