Red Cross teaches CPR in Spanish for first time

NEWTON, N.J. - The Sussex County Chapter of the American Red Cross achieved a milestone last week when it offered and taught its first class ever in Spanish. The chapter expects to offer additional Red Cross CPR, First Aid and other classes in Spanish in the future in accordance with demand from the community. The first class in Spanish was Infant & Child CPR and the date was Tuesday, Oct. 17. Ron Marin, Director of Programs & Services, said the Spanish CPR class was the result of an active effort by the Chapter to build bridges to the Hispanic community in Sussex County. “We have initiated a relationship with El Refugio, the Hispanic community service organization which opened its doors in Newton earlier this year and have introduced the Hispanic community to the American Red Cross through a recent presentation at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Newton following a regularly-scheduled Spanish mass. The presentation was made possible by El Refugio. We hope to soon make a similar presentation about Red Cross training and services at El Refugio, thanks to the welcome we have received from Executive Director Ygnacio Pena. All of this is being facilitated by the arrival of our new staff member, Kim Wharton, Community Service Representative, who is an authorized Red Cross instructor and who speaks fluent Spanish. She worked hard to pull this class together and teach it, and has worked hard in terms of the overall outreach program to the Hispanic community.” For more information, contact Ron Marin, at the Sussex County Chapter of the American Red Cross, 93 Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860. Telephone is (973) 579-1600 (ext. 25). E-mail is, or go to