Renewing the protest
MILFORD - The Pike County Chamber of Commerce is trying to put some new life into what some see as a stalled rate hike fight. To help fight January’s 129 percent electric rate increase, the chamber is asking all residents of Pike County to show solidarity by filling out the state Public Utility Commission’s complaint form regarding the rate hike. Currently, only 62 out of the 4,200 affected customers of Pike County Power and Light’s rate surge have filled out the complaint form. The chamber and Pike County Commissioners are holding a public meeting to discuss what they are doing to lobby against the energy increases. The meeting will be held at the Delaware Valley High School, June 28, at 7 p.m. Participants are being asked to bring copies of their energy bills, before and after the rate increase. The chamber effort comes as the Public Utility Commission this week begins a new round of fact-finding. See a related story on page 15. For more on the rate fight visit and click on the “Fight the Rate Hike” link or pick up a form at the Commissioner’s office located in the County Administration building in Milford.