Residents say Sunrise is running wild
DINGMAN - “Sunrise is like the wild west with no one to protect you,” said Sunrise Lakes resident Terry Chattaway. She appeared before the Dingman Supervisors Tuesday evening looking for assistance and detailing her concerns. “On Easter morning, as I left for church, a go-kart came flying across in front of my car. He was only inches from my Jetta,” said Chattaway. She said he learned a few days later from District Justice Alan Cooper that go-karts, atv’s and vehicles of this kind are prohibited on township roads. “I am here to find out who enforces this regulation,” said Chattaway. Supervisors’ Chair Tom Mincer explained it is the obligation of the owner of the road to call the state police. “Since Bob Ramagosa owns Sunrise he is the one that needs to make the call,” he told her. Mincer also said that if the go-kart was on her property she had the right to call the police. Gary Renson, another Sunrise resident who accompanied Chattaway, reinforced her story and said that he has gone to the state police barracks in Bloomingrove with his concerns. “I was told that you live in a private community go to your association. I went to Ramagosa and he told me that we have no association,” said Renson, who was visibly upset. Renson said he went to Ramagosa with the name, address, section, lot, and block number of the child’s parents. Ramagosa said his hands were tied and there was nothing he could do. Neither Robert Ramagosa nor Bill Ramagosa, co-owner of Sunrise, were present at the meeting. Contacted later by phone about Chattaway and Renson’s complaints, Bill Ramagosa said, “I have no comment,” and hung up. Mincer tried to offer some help but explained that Dingman Township has no control over this issue and it was not the first time something like this has come before the supervisors. “I spoke to Ramagosa for two hours and it was like a fencing match. Every point I brought up he parlayed; I said up, then he said down; I said left, then he said right. There were no answers,” said Renson in a frustrated voice. Mincer suggested they try to organize their neighbors and friends and speak to Ramagosa as a group of concerned Sunrise residents. When Chattaway questioned the letter she received from Cooper, Mincer explained it was only related to public roads and not those in private communities. “I guess I just have to go out with a ball bat and kill somebody and that’s gonna’ be the end of it,” shouted Renson as his hands pounded on the supervisors table. Mincer said that was not the answer and told him to calm down. Failing to gain any relief, Chattaway and Renson left the meeting.