Rock Hill gets planning waivers

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:00

    DINGMAN - Dingman Township Supervisors Wednesday approved two of four requests sought by a developer to allow work on a 200- home subdivision near Lake Adventure on state Route 739. Rock Hill Estates sought waivers of zoning regulations to complete 00its application for the project. The board granted two of the requests, one was withdrawn, and the final one was reserved pending Rock Hill’s presenting a time schedule for development. The supervisors approved the waiver to allow the use of a tear drop shaped cul-de-sac. This would allow an increased number of lots to be served by the turnaround. It was conditionally approved after developers agreed to widen the roadways from 18 feet to 22 feet to accommodate fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. After the township agreed to the tear drop shape of the turnaround, Township Solicitor John Klemeyer determined the developer did not need to a new waiver for more lots. The board also allowed the developer to extend the length of arterial roads. Rock Hill’s representives argued successfully that additional roads would not improve emergency egress The last waiver would allow Rock Hill to file a final project approval map, including lots that have not been perked for sewage filtration. Klemeyer said the supervisors required more information about the development stages planned for the project before making a decision.