DV girls’ basketball wins some, loses some against Western Wayne
Milford. The JV team triumphed while the varsity players fell short.

Both the Delaware Valley girl’ varsity and JV basketball teams played against Western Wayne on February 6.
First up as usual was the JV team, and like the boys the girls’ JV players are the wave of the future. The JV team set the pace, defeating Western Wayne 47-21. Parris Machado led all scoring with 11 points.
Unfortunately, the varsity team did not have the same level of success and lost by a score of 50-23.
It is not that these girls aren’t talented, but they are suffering from the same problem as the boys’ team. It’s just that the other local teams are having very good seasons.
The scoring went like this: Krystina Orby had 5 points; Amanda Aragona, Cecelia Dickerson and Keira Lazzaro all had 3 points; and Jordan Dickerson, Leah Bird, Lilly Cosentino and Rainna Carr all scored 2; with Ciara Newton getting a point.