Upper Delaware Days for Soujourn

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:47

LACKAWAXEN - The National Park Service (NPS) Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River and the Upper Delaware Council (UDC), members of the Delaware River Sojourn Steering Committee since the event’s inception in 1995, are coordinating the itineraries for the first two days of this year’s event. • June 18 will feature an eight-mile afternoon paddle from the Ten Mile River Landing in the Town of Tusten, NY to Lander’s Minisink Base in Minisink Ford, NY. Registration at Lander’s Minisink Campground will begin at 11 a.m. A kick-off lunch and program will take place there at noon, before shuttle buses transport Sojourners north to the put-in location at 1 p.m. • On Monday, June 19, a 12-mile paddle between Minisink Ford and Lander’s Knights Eddy Base is scheduled. Registration for new arrivals will take place at 7 a.m. at Knights Eddy. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. at the Minisink campground, which will be the Day 2 Sojourn launch site. On June 20, sojourners continuing on the trip will drive to Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort to embark on the Middle Delaware segment of the event, paddling through the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. The Sojourn continues downriver before concluding on June 25 with a paddle on the Cooper River, a Delaware River tributary in New Jersey, and the traditional closing ice cream celebration.