Students do Poetry out loud'

WESTFALL - Poetry Out Loud is a national recitation competition sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and Poetry Foundation. Students from across the country recite poems from memory as they compete for scholarship money. Of the eight students who recently participated in the Poetry Out Loud regional competition at the Allentown Art Museum, two were from Delaware Valley High School. Alexandria Carbone, grade 10, daughter of Tracy and Joseph Moricone of Milford, and Kristen Wroblewski, grade 11, daughter of Susanne and John Wroblewski of Milford represented the Delaware Valley student body with dignity and pride at the competition. Both students were very excited about their participation. Alexandria said, “It’s amazing that we are offered opportunities to do something so amazing and so much fun.” Kristen added, “Poetry is a beautiful art form and I love to recite it!”