Sunrise discord grows

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:47

DINGMAN - Sunrise Lake residents say they have started planning how to get the owners of their community to live up to their deeded promises. Residents have sought help from Dingman Township, but have been told the township can do little as long as Sunrise owners Bill and Bob Ramagosa are complying with Dingman’s ordinances. The supervisors told them to organize. They have sought legal advice, but some local attorneys have been reluctant to take on one of the areas largest development companies. DeAnna Margiore, a Sunrise resident for the last four years has asked Bill Ramagosa to address concerns about problems in the community. She gets the same reaction all the time. “No matter what they tell me nothing changes,” stated Margiore. Bill Ramagosa declined to comment to the Courier about recent community concerns. He denied speaking to Margiore. “But I’d be happy to talk to her,” he added. “Bill Ramagosa is not willing to meet with anyone,” said Margiore. Margiore spoke to a group of about 150 residents who gathered one evening last week near the shut-down community pool. They listened, voiced some complaints, and, in spite of high humidity and biting mosquitoes, the meeting went on for about 40 minutes. Complaints included no security, ATV’s running rampant and charges for non-existent services. The Ramagosa’s recently sent out dues statements to the community without mentioning that the pool would be closed indefinitely, if not for good. In fact, they were all billed $75 dollars for “amenities,” but the pool is the only amenity. Ramagsa later told them he needs the money to repair a dam on one of the lakes and wasn’t going to repair the pool, Margiore said. Margiore said that she’ll look for an attorney and told the crowd that she will post the time and place for the next meeting soon. “All the decisions we make will have to be a group decision; for right now I’ll do the initial work.”