Who will help a wounded deer?

DINGMANS FERRY - A New Jersey woman said she’s become frustrated trying to find someone who would aid a wounded deer she saw at her father’s Wild Acres home. “A deer... is walking around Wild Acres... for over a week with an arrow in its head,” Jill Slaski said. Slaski said she saw the deer while visiting her father. “We called the security office on the premises and they are aware of the deer and claim they can’t catch it, which I find hard to believe, since it was hanging around uncomfortably eating grass, just three feet from us for over an hour,” she said. There is no hunting in Wild Acres so the deer have become tame. “They think they own the place,” said homeowner Ed Slaski. The Garden State resident first contacted N.J. game and wildlife to get an idea who she needed to talk to and perhaps get game officials in the two states working together. It didn’t work. “I stated that the deer up there are used to people and you can get close enough to almost hand feed them. In response to my e-mail, they told me that it is dangerous and not good for us to feed the deer,’ and that was all they told me,” she said. “My first thought was, okay, dangerous and not good for the deer? Is the arrow in it’s head good? I was so mad,” she said. The New Jersey response prompted Slaski to send a broadside of e-mails “to anyone I could to get the proper help, thinking that they can possibly direct me to someone, or maybe they can pick up the phone.” She said the response was not very friendly: “They seem to just want us to look the other way,” she concluded. On Tuesday, Slaski finally reached the Pennsylvania Game Commission. “They promised to notify their officer in that area.”