Young children running in the streets

MILFORD - More than 200 people, big and small turned out on a blustery Wednesday morning this week, to celebrate the little children and those who care for them. Milford’s annual “Week of the Young Child” parade also may be the only indoor-outdoor parade you are likely to see. The parade route goes down the center corridor of the county administration building. Marchers filed through, including a contingent from the Delaware Valley Middle School band playing the “Marine Hymn,” as the commissioners, two of whom are former Marines, greeted everyone. As the parade snaked its way south on Broad Street, it seemed everyone’s grandmother was driving by waving, taking pictures and calling out affectionate greetings. Despite the chill, the kids all appeared to enjoy the outing, especially when it ended with Animal Crackers and beverages. The parade is organized by Recognizing Excellence in Early Childhood Education (REECHE). Its founder and President Luann Genovas said the week’s activities also highlight the importance of the their work and the low wages paid to workers in the field. “About $7 an hour, not much for people who work with their kids during some of their most formative years,” Genovas said.