Share your desire for peace with the Delaware Valley Choral Society
Are you looking for peace in your life, your family, our community, our nation, the world? Then you are invited to share your desire for peace with the Delaware Valley Choral Society in the area premier of Karl Jenkins The Peacemakers.
Written in 2012, Karl Jenkins sets famous inspiring text from Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Anne Frank, Mother Teresa, and scripture to incredible music. A concert will be held at the Delaware Valley High School auditorium on June 2 at 4 p.m. that will surely uplift your spirit and help focus us all on the need for peace.
The performance of The Peacemakers will be the largest collaboration of musical forces ever brought together by the Delaware Valley Choral Society. A combination of 3 choruses, plus students from the Delaware Valley High School will be singing along with a very large professional symphony orchestra. Musicians from all over Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey are represented in the chorus and orchestra — in all, over 100 musicians will be on stage. Also, on the program will be works by Ludwig Van Beethoven and Ralph Vaughan Williams, plus a couple surprises!
If you like to sing, it is not too late to join us in rehearsals that take place every Sunday 2-4 p.m. at the Milford United Methodist Church located at 206 East Ann Street in Milford. Music and rehearsal aids will be provided when you come. Even if you don’t sing with us, you will surely not want to miss the concert — this very special event focusing on the need for peace is something you will be glad you were a part of from either side of the stage!
For more information or questions, please contact Jeffrey Fornoff at
The Delaware Valley Choral Society is a non-profit group dedicated to performing major choral works in their original form. The Society incorporates aspiring musicians from the area as well as professional musicians to bring major works of music to our community.
Delaware Valley Choral Society, Executive Board
Jeffrey Fornoff, Director
Debra Reuss, President Lorna Cuevas, Secretary Barbara Carter, Member at Large
Ted Richter, Vice-President Gerald Najarian, Treasurer Jim Mould, Member at Large