Enough is enough

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:10

    To the Editor: In 1974 we finally completed the building of our home in the Pocono Mountain Water Forest after going through five builders, each one telling us the last one was a crook. And we survived. Following that, and prior to moving up here permanently in 1978, four young boys burglarized our home by breaking every window, spray painting all our furniture with green paint and dumping our food all over the cellar floor. In addition they stole items, eventually brought some back -some broken and some left out in the woods. And we survived that! But the latest threat of having noxious gas fumes invade our neighborhood is just too much! It will not only affect us but the entire neighborhood and despite offers from very wonderful people to help find other sites, the Krise bus company is going forth with blinders on. As octogenarians we would like to spend our years breathing the same clean air that now surrounds us. I have always seen the glass as half full - the eternal optimist. But perhaps their lawyer with his judicial wisdom can show them a better way to handle the situation. Therefore I have sent the following letter to their lawyer in the hopes he recognizes the physical threat to all of us, and to some of us in particular. Dear Sir: I was indeed appalled to learn that your client introduced a veiled threat to sue individual members of the Planning Commission - all volunteers - if they did not support their application to move their contingent of buses and other needs to the Route 739 location. Having been employed at a prestigious law firm in New York City prior to my retirement, I know there are other ways to handle situations, i.e. negotiating, compromising, persuading for the good of the order, etc. Various members of the Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community have offered their help in finding a more suitable location for the bus depot rather than endangering the health of residents in this particular area but their generous offers have gone unheeded. In particular, my husband, a 20 percent disabled World War II veteran suffers from low level emphysema and having the air filled with gas fumes would certainly not lead to his maintaining the health that he now enjoys. It would certainly be unfortunate should his present condition become more serious as a result of noxious fumes permeating the now clean air we breathe and lead to his needing an oxygen tank. I am sure you can understand we would both be more than a little upset if that should occur! Perhaps you can persuade your clients to take another look around and accept the help of those dedicated people that are trying to negotiate a more satisfactory solution. Good health is a gift and deliberately ignoring that fact is indeed shameful and should be investigated more thoroughly. Ginny Malloy Dingmans Ferry