Fire prevention month

| 29 Sep 2011 | 09:39

    To the editor: The month of October is Fire Prevention Safety and Health month. On Oct 14, our Westfall-Milford Walmart will be holding their safety and health day. It will start at 11 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m. There will be 3 fire departments participating and they will be showing the different apparatus that is in this area available in case of trouble. There will be the smokehouse simulator, the aerial truck,tanker, brush truck, fire engine, a rescue boat, rescue unit and an ambulance. The departments represent Westfall, Matamoras and Port Jervis. The Westfall police will be present fingerprinting the little kids and they will be able to keep their own prints. The Pike County Sheriff will be present with McGraw the robot and Shamas the police dog. EMS will be present from Port Jervis. A tent will be on the premises from Bonsecour Hospital and their message will be about aspirins and drugs. Full Speed Ahead will be playing in our parking lot and we will be selling hot dogs and hamburgers for the Children’s Miracle Network. There will be two shows on The Jaws of Life the first is at 12:30 p.m. and the other at 2 p.m. Our message to Pike County and the surrounding areas is to feel safe and secure with all the wonderful apparatus we have in the area and if there is a big emergency the different departments go out to help each other So come one and all to our safety day. Shirley Montagne Safety Team