It's a bear, no lie'n

| 29 Sep 2011 | 09:22

    To the editor: On Saturday, August 19, Penn State Cooperative Extension in Pike County presented Nittany Bear to the Black Bear Film Festival! Did you do a double take? Yes, that’s right, Nittany Bear, not Lion. Nittany Bear is Nittany Lion’s new cousin and is a collaborative effort of the Pike County Cooperative Extension staff. The Nittany Bear represents Pike County Cooperative Extension’s programs. You will need to take a close look because it’s a little bit subtle. The programs represented are Family and Youth, Agriculture and Horticulture, Environmental Resources, and Health. Nittany Bear’s creation has been aided by the kind donations of several area businesses. The staff at Penn State Cooperative Extension in Pike County would like to thank the following businesses for their generosity. Sherwin-Williams Paints of Milford; Farm Plus of Matamoras, K-Mart in Matamoras, and Luhrs Home Center of Milford. Additionally, Extension would like to thank Altec Lansing for sponsoring Nittany Bear. It’s a pleasure to be part of a community that hosts and supports such a whimsically fun project. Susan Conrad Penn State Coop. Extension - Pike County Milford