League of Women Voters plans candidates forum

The following letter from the Pike County MAL Chapter of the League of Women Voters of PA was sent Sept. 14.
Dear Candidate for Pike County Commissioner:
The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWVPA) is a citizen organization that never supports or opposes a candidate or political party but does provide voters with information about government issues and candidates.
The Pike County MAL Chapter of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania is pleased to invite you to participate in a Forum with the other three candidates for the position of Pike County Commissioner on Monday, October 19, 2015 at the Dingman Delaware Middle School from 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Please plan to be there at 6:30 p.m. to meet with the moderator before the start of the forum.
We expect the Commissioner forum to be followed at 8:30 p.m. by a forum between the candidates for Pike County District Attorney.
The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania will provide the moderator, who will select and read questions for the forum which will be solicited from the general public. You will have a 3-minute opening and closing statement. We anticipate enough time for 6 to 8 questions that will include a one and half minute initial answer and a one minute opportunity to respond. The initial order of participation will begin with a lottery, and then alternate to other candidates to go first through the evening. See outline of format and rules for the question and answer portion of the Forum below.
In order for as much information as possible to be disseminated to the public, we anticipate press coverage. We will ask the audience to refrain from clapping or partisan outbursts during the presentations and question period.
We ask that you contact us with your acceptance to participate by the end of the day on September 21. We can be reached at 570-775-6919 or email at leeoakes@ptd.net.
We are excited to have this opportunity to help educate the voters of Pike County. We hope that you are as well.
Lee Oakes
Pike County MAL Chapter of PA LWV
Pike County MAL Chapter of the League of Women Voters of PA