Lieutenant governor choice reconsidered

| 10 Aug 2022 | 05:54

    To the Editor:

    Republicans, Democrats and Independents should unite to tell their state legislators to vote NO on the proposed Constitutional Amendment that would prevent primary voters from choosing their parties’ nominees for Lieutenant Governor. “Public Notice, Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania,” Courier August 5-11, Joint Resolution 2022-1, paragraph (3), amending section 4 of Article IV.

    Currently, primary voters select the nominees of their parties for both Governor and Lt. Governor. The primary contest ensures that the official who will be a heartbeat away from becoming Governor has broad statewide popular support. (In the general election, the two nominees run together on a single line.) The current voting system also is healthy for democracy because it provides an opportunity for voters to become familiar with up-and-coming leaders, as these aspiring public officials campaign for votes in a competitive statewide election.

    Major political party leaders and big donors already have too much power to narrow the choices that voters have in the general election. This proposed amendment must be passed again by the Legislature in the 2023-2024 session before it can be submitted to the voters as a ballot question. It is better to nip it in the bud before it becomes a ballot question. Let the Legislature know, now, that Pennsylvanians are not being fooled by this attempt to further disenfranchise them.

    Arthur R. Block

    Dingman Township