Milford Borough Council makes a curious reorganization decision

| 09 Feb 2022 | 04:27

    To the Editor:

    First, I would like to thank the returning members of the Milford Borough Council and to those newly elected and appointed council members. Thank you for giving your time and talents to ensure Milford Borough will continue to thrive.

    But why the curious reorganization decision not to retain Bob DiLorenzo as the borough SEO (sewage enforcement officer)? Mr. DiLorenzo served in this position for 17 years and is arguably the best at what he does in Pike County. His knowledge and attention to detail helped many residents and business owners find the best and most cost-effective solutions for existing septic and cesspool systems or for new installations.

    He is being replaced by the current alternate zoning and code enforcement officer. This personnel move will include a week of training (March 27-April 1) at a cost of $2,500 to borough taxpayers. What doesn’t come with this week of training is Mr. DiLorenzo’s 17 years of front-line experience!

    To many residents like myself, this move makes no sense on any level, certainly not from a cost savings or added experience standpoint. I hope this is a “one off” for the council and that at some point an explanation will be forthcoming.

    Fred Weber

    Milford Borough