Social Security programs alert

| 20 Sep 2022 | 06:41

To the editor:

As more corporations end their pension programs in favor of 401(k)-type plans, Social Security is more important than perhaps ever before for the financial stability of older Americans. As a voter over the age of 65 who has paid into Social Security my entire working life, I am appalled when Republican politicians refer to it as an “entitlement” program. Hello! This is my savings!!

It’s important for voters to understand what our congressional representatives, Democratic and Republican, are doing are saying about Social Security. Republicans are hinting that the program should be slashed, privatized or done away with. Democrats, on the other hand, are actively working on plans to stabilize and shore up the program while expanding benefits.

Here in northeast Pennsylvania, we are fortunate that Rep. Matt Cartwright has stepped up as a co-sponsor of the Social Security 2100 act. This bill will increase old age, survivors and disability benefits insurance and provide cost-of-living adjustments while ensuring that the Social Security program remains solvent.

For this and so many other reasons, I urge my fellow NEPA residents to return Matt Cartwright to the House of Representatives, where he will continue to fight for older Americans, veterans and working people. Vote for Matt Cartwright on Nov. 8th. He works for us.

Jacqueline Damian

Milford, Pennsylvania