Use more honey, less vinegar, in persuading PennDOT

To the Editor:
I read your news article "Dangerous trees a worry in Dingman." Previously, I had the same concern with the dead and routed trees along the Rt. 739 corridor from Rt. 84 to Log Tavern Road. I contacted the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), using the address:, then, Customer Care Center, County, Submit New Concern.
I used this web page last April and received a reply that it was forwarded to the local "Programs Technician for further consideration." I noticed that trees were trimmed and cut down from Lords Valley to the border of Dingmans, where the worked stopped for some reason!
I am concerned that the messages sent from the Roadmaster and Supervisors to PennDOT may be too demanding and harsh, rather then asking for their cooperation!
I think they should resubmit their request before someone gets hurt or dies!
Thank you for your consideration.
C. Sitgreaves