‘We are fortunate to have them’

| 26 Apr 2023 | 06:07

    As a resident of Pike County in Blooming Grove Township and a parent of a special needs adult, I would like to express my support for the re-election of Ron Schmalzle and Matt Osterberg.

    Our commissioners are strong advocates for our special needs loved ones.

    They have demonstrated this by employing special needs individuals throughout our community via vocational training and supported employment programs.

    They are also looking toward the future exploring potential housing options for special needs adults for the day they will require a living situation outside the family home.

    Our commissioners have also accomplished the major achievement of bringing a much needed urgent care facility to our county, soon to be opened.

    They need to be commended for their tireless work with our township and local municipalities on the EMS Grant Funding Project which will shorten EMS response time when a resident is in need.

    Our commissioners continue to meet the changing needs of our county and infrastructure while having respect for the conservancy of our beautiful natural resources. I believe our commissioners are doing a great job and genuinely care about the residents.

    I hope anyone who thinks as I do will vote in the Primary on May 16th to re-elect Ron Schmalzle and Matt Osterberg.

    We are fortunate to have them.

    Donna Gutierrez

    Hemlock Farms, Lords Valley