Library petition

| 29 Sep 2011 | 10:41

    To the editor: The Main Branch Task Force of the Pike County Library is asking organizations and businesses all over the county to help gather petitions to support our request for $2 million from Governor Rendell’s RCAP funding program. We already have the support of State Representative John Siptroth in this endeavor. Newly-elected Representative Mike Peifer and State Senator Lisa Baker have not yet taken office, so they have not formally gotten involved. But they both have expressed strong support for the Pike County Library and we expect to receive their support once they take office in January. However, in the meantime, it is incumbent on all of us who want to improve and expand library services for all of Pike County to help generate the signatures that demonstrate to elected officials (and private funders) that the community supports this project. If you are able to support this important project, please print out the petition form document (available at and post it at you business, office or other public place where you can help generate signatures. Be sure to put the name of your business, office or organization at the top so we know where these signatures were gathered. Even if you only gather a handful of signatures, that’s fine and will help. If you can get more, please feel free to copy the petition page. Thank you. Together we are continuing to improve the quality of life for everyone in Pike County. Sean Strub Milford