Mitchener for the House

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:35

    To the editor: I would like to endorse Ms. Margaret Mitchener for State Representative for District 139. I have known and worked with Margaret for the last seven years. During this time she has operated a successful family business with her husband. I find her to be fair and ethical in her business dealings with me, and in her dealings with her direct customers. She Is a principled and trustworthy person who is very conscientious with her work. I think she would make an excellent state representative for our commonwealth. She listens and is understanding, and is willing to learn. She has good common sense and is level headed. She understands the business community and knows how to balance time at home with the needs of her business. As taxpayers, we need to be ever vigilant regarding spending. Margaret is capable of challenging government to do better. Our state needs competent people like Margaret who are willing to stand up and do the right thing. She would do an excellent job representing the people. Tom Haraske T&L Distributing Co Inc. Northampton