Protect the children
To the editor: May is Protect Our Children from Tobacco Smoke Pollution (TSP) month in Pike County and across Pennsylvania. Tobacco Smoke Pollution, also known as second hand smoke is classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cancer-causing agent. Young children whose lungs are still developing exposed to TSP suffer more ear infections, pneumonia, bronchitis and TSP can increase the number of episodes and the severity of asthma attacks. Children of women who smoke are more likely to be born early and weigh less than they should. TSP is also a factor in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS). The whole family is affected by cigarette smoke. Even a half hour of Tobacco Smoke Pollution (TSP) exposure causes heart damage in non smoking adults similar to that of habitual smokers. Pets exposed to secondhand smoke have an increase in lung and nasal cancers and more respiratory problems. To help protect children and the whole family the Pike County Tobacco Free Coalition is urging smokers to: Take It Outside ... Go outside to smoke-opening a window or leaving the room does not remove the risk. Make your home and vehicle smoke-free zones. Don’t permit smoking around babies and children. Let elected officials know you prefer clean indoor air. Choose smoke-free restaurants and activities The Coalition can provide a list of smoke free restaurants in Pike County. The Pike County Tobacco-Free Coalition can provide help for those wanting to quit and more information about tobacco use prevention and Tobacco Smoke Pollution. Please call the Coalition at 570- 296-3400. You may also contact the PA Quitline at 1-800-Quit-Now or the Quitnet at Both resources are free to Pike County residents. Debra Brodhecker Youth Tobacco Prevention Educator Pike County Tobacco-Free Coalition