Suzanne Braun Levine, Gloria Steinem, and Amy Ferris Snyder Fund helps Milford Readers & Writers Festival take event virtual Pike Artworks, Inc., on behalf of The Milford Readers & Writers Festival, was awarded the Richard L. Snyder Fund grant, which... Local News 23 Sep 2020 | 02:21
Suzanne Braun Levine and Gloria Steinem in conversation with Amy Ferris They Did It Write – Milford Readers and Writers holds first online global event The first online event held by the Milford Readers and Writers Festival, “Doing It Write,” was the very first time for many... Local News 16 Sep 2020 | 03:50
Anne Perry, a popular and prolific writer of historical detective fiction, signs books. ( Marilyn Rosenthal) Literary giants come to tiny town for first-class festival They did it again: the fourth annual Milford Readers and Writers Festival garnered superlatives all around, from the quality... Local News 24 Sep 2019 | 12:01