Delaware Highlands Conservancy photo contest winners come to Milford
Milford. Delaware Highlands Conservancy photo contest winners will show their work at the ARTery Gallery for a month, Nov. 10-Dec. 5.

Over the summer, the Delaware Highlands Conservancy held its fifth annual juried photo contest, Confluence: Land, Water, Wildlife. The contest invites local photographers to capture striking nature photos from the Upper Delaware River region in five categories: landscape, wildlife, macro, water, and the Van Scott Nature Reserve, plus a youth category for photographers under age 18.
The Conservancy recently announced winners of the juried contest, and the ARTery Gallery in Milford will host the Conservancy from November 10 until December 5 in an exhibition featuring the winning photographs alongside artwork created by ARTery member artists. The show will commence with a reception open to the public on Saturday, November 12 from 2-4 p.m. The winning photographs are also available for viewing on the Delaware Highlands Conservancy Facebook page.
The ARTery Gallery is located in the historic Forest Hall building at 210 Broad Street in Milford, PA. The cooperative gallery is owned and operated by artists and artisans from the Tri-State area.
The Delaware Highlands Conservancy works in partnership with landowners and communities to protect the natural heritage and quality of life of the Upper Delaware River region. For more information, call 570-226-3164/845-583-1010 or visit