Milford observes Veterans Day
Milford. The community paused to honors all veterans, past and present, who served the country in the U.S. Armed Forces.

At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Milford observed Veterans Day with a solemn community ceremony at Soldiers and Sailor Monument in Kiehl Park.
Commander Connie Harvey opened the ceremony by remembering all past and present members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
John Kupillas, Chaplain of American Legion Post 139, gave the opening and closing prayers.
Jim Mulligan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The keynote speaker, Milford Mayor Sean Strub, spoke about the military banners hanging around the borough that pay tribute to veterans, local people who gave outstanding service to their fellow Americans and the cause of freedom.
The Sounding of Taps and the Salute to Colors was led by Marine bugler Ray Patterson from Patterson, N.J.
After the ceremony, everyone returned to American Legion Post 139 for lunch, where colorful table settings were provided by local elementary schoolchildren.