MEGA buck folly The Milford Water vs. MEGA Warehouse issue, leaving aside the developer’s self-serving arguments, is being positioned by... Letters to the Editor 14 Aug 2023 | 04:26
What the Second Amendment meant The recent decision of the Pike County Commissioners to make PC a “Second Amendment Sanctuary” deeply concerns me. Adding... Letters to the Editor 16 Oct 2022 | 08:22
Executive orders and creeping fascism So, they struggle for Presidential Power, Letters to the Editor 27 Oct 2021 | 06:37
Overdevelopment of environmentally sensitive intersection will harm our community’s long-term health To the Editor: More than 60 years ago, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist, Albert Szent-Györgi, told us that water is the “mother... Letters to the Editor 05 May 2021 | 03:48
If fear’s your answer I vote on a scale Of love to hate — If love’s your ticket, My ballot says great. But if fear’s your answer, You’re a political... Letters to the Editor 23 Sep 2020 | 10:55
Young people joined the protest in Milford (Photo courtesy of David Richard) Hundreds march in Milford to condemn the murder of George Floyd Milford joined many communities across Pennsylvania that held peaceful protests over the weekend to condemn racism, oppression,... Local News 03 Jun 2020 | 07:54
Life Matters I stopped at the Black Lives Matter rally in Downtown Milford and observed some outstanding police work by the Chief of Police... Letters to the Editor 03 Jun 2020 | 01:11